It’s Essential To Buy Kiln-Dried Wood For Epoxy River Tables: Find Out Why

Without a doubt, the most important part of the epoxy river table making process is in using good, kiln-dried wood.

Have you ever created a river table, then wondered why you seem to face a variety of issues months down the line?

For most people, the answer will be because they didn’t ensure that the wood they purchased for the table was correctly kiln-dried, or hadn’t been dried adequately.

If you’ve ever considered using wood that hasn’t been kiln-dried, now will be a good time to stop what you’re doing and read through the reason why you shouldn’t

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons why kiln-dried wood is a must when crafting epoxy resin river tables.

Moisture Content Control

The primary benefit of kiln-dried wood is precise moisture control.

Kiln drying is a controlled process that gradually reduces the moisture content of the wood to an optimal level.

This meticulous drying ensures that the wood reaches a state of equilibrium with its environment, preventing later warping, twisting, or cracking of your river table.

Stability and Durability of Kiln-Dried Wood

For table making, an critical factor for wood is stability and durability. The controlled drying process eliminates the excess moisture that can lead to significant problems in the future.

As a result, kiln-dried wood is less susceptible to shrinking, swelling, or developing internal stresses, which can compromise the structural integrity of your river table.

Minimizes Resin Distortion

Epoxy resin is sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.

When poured onto wood with high moisture content, it can react and cause warping or bubbles, resulting in an uneven and less visually appealing surface.

Kiln-dried wood provides a stable foundation, minimizing the risk of resin distortion and ensuring a smooth, glass-like finish.

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Prevents Insect Infestation and Mold Growth

Kiln drying not only removes excess moisture but also eliminates pests, mold, and fungi that may reside in the wood.

This preventive measure safeguards your river table from potential long-term damage caused by insects or mold growth, ensuring its longevity.

Ease of Machining and Woodworking

Another element of drying wood ensures it is easier to work with during the crafting process. It is less likely to splinter, crack, or warp when cut, shaped, or jointed.

This ease of machining allows for more precise and intricate designs, ensuring your river table turns out as envisioned.

Kiln-Dried Wood has Consistent Aesthetics

Much of the end appeal of epoxy river tables is in the uniformed aesthetic of wood grain patterns.

This uniformity enhances the overall look of your river table, creating a harmonious and visually stunning piece of furniture.

It also ensures that the epoxy resin complements the wood’s natural beauty without any unexpected surprises.

Reduced Waiting Time

Kiln-dried wood is ready to use as soon as you acquire it, as opposed to air-dried wood, which may require additional drying time.

As wood will always change in moisture content, based on the equilibrium of the climate you are in, it can be a risk to buy air dried wood. Especially if it has come from a different country.

With wood dried in a kiln, it will be reduced to the lowest, safe moisture content and can be used straight away if kept away from the outside weather.

This means you can start your river table project without unnecessary delays, allowing you to enjoy your finished creation sooner.

Kiln-Dried Wood Ensures Long-Term Investment

Investing in kiln-dried wood for your river table is a long-term investment.

It not only guarantees immediate success in your project but also ensures that your masterpiece will stand the test of time, becoming a cherished piece of functional art that can be passed down through generations.


When it comes to crafting epoxy resin river tables, the choice of wood is a critical decision that significantly impacts the quality and longevity of your project.

Kiln-dried wood stands out as the ideal choice due to its moisture content control, stability, durability, resistance to distortion, prevention of infestations, ease of machining, consistent aesthetics, reduced waiting time, and long-term investment value.

By selecting kiln-dried wood as the foundation for your river table, you’re setting yourself up for success and ensuring that your creation will be a masterpiece that captivates for years to come.